Voltrux - 11-08-2009 19:29
Potrzebuję pomocy do questu - The Scatterbrained Sorcerer QuestWykonuję 3 misję i mam zadanie z zadawaniem pytań.
Oto mój log z rozmów:
19:10 Grodrik: You got more questions for me? Sure. Just ask.
19:11 Gesander [13]: yes
19:11 Grodrik: That's supposed to be a question? Nah... I refuse to answer that.
19:12 Gesander [13]: What's most important in a relationship for you?
19:12 Grodrik: The most important thing in a relationship is to always have a good supply of beer. Solves almost all problems!
19:12 Gesander [13]: What's your ideal date location?
19:12 Grodrik: What do you mean, date location? I never had a date, so how should I know? I guess here would do. Right here in this tavern.
19:12 Gesander [13]: What physical attribute should your ideal partner have?
19:12 Grodrik: Of course... a pretty, long and well-combed beard! Also I have a weakness for tiny toes.
19:12 Gesander [13]: Tell me something you love.
19:12 Grodrik: Well, duh. Beer of course! I love beer! The only thing I love more than a pint of beer is two pints of beer!
19:12 Gesander [13]: Tell me something you dislike.
19:12 Grodrik: I don't like the fact that some weapons get rusty. Rust is a curse for any smith.
19:12 Gesander [13]: What's an important character trait for you?
19:12 Grodrik: I get angry when someone lies to me. Lies are bad. So put down honesty.
19:12 Gesander [13]: What's your favourite colour?
19:12 Grodrik: I love the colour of home-brewed, fresh, foamy beer... what do we put there? Yellow, I guess. Not to be mistaken for pee though.
19:12 Gesander [13]: What's your greatest fear?
19:12 Grodrik: Dwarfs have no fear!! Well... for some reason, jesters give me the creeps.
19:13 Gesander [13]: Bye
19:13 Grodrik: Yeah, bye.
19:22 Gesander [13]: hi
19:22 Amarie: Oh! If you have any more questions for me, just go right ahead.
19:22 Gesander [13]: What's most important in a relationship for you?
19:22 Amarie: You should always strive for harmony in a relationship to avoid arguments and fights. Harmony is important!
19:22 Gesander [13]: What's your ideal date location?
19:22 Amarie: A lush, green meadow in the middle of a forest... <dreams>
19:22 Gesander [13]: What physical attribute should your ideal partner have?
19:22 Amarie: Uhm... well, I look at a person's face first. A handsome face would be a definite plus.
19:22 Gesander [13]: Tell me something you love.
19:22 Amarie: As you can see... I love books.
19:22 Gesander [13]: Tell me something you dislike.
19:22 Amarie: I don't like fire very much... it poses a threat to my beloved trees, the beautiful grass and my precious books. I've lost too many things due to fires.
19:23 Gesander [13]: What's an important character trait for you?
19:23 Amarie: I think I'd choose patience as an answer to this one. Patience promotes tolerance which prevents arguments and thus ensures harmony.
19:23 Gesander [13]: What's your favourite colour?
19:23 Amarie: I love all colours! It's so hard to choose one! Mhh... <ponders> well, my colour of the day is yellow, like the sun. It's a bright and warm and happy colour.
19:23 Gesander [13]: What's your greatest fear?
19:23 Amarie: I try to stay in control of my fears. But if you ask me like that... it really makes me shiver when I hear the name of Ferumbras. <shudders>
19:23 Gesander [13]: Bye
19:23 Amarie: Asha Thrazi.
Gdzie tu jest taka sama odpowiedĽ któr± muszę podać Eleciusowi?
Crout - 11-08-2009 19:49
Odpowiedz mu yellow b±dĽ colour
Redox - 11-08-2009 19:54
Poniżej masz wszystkie informację na temat tej misji.
The Scatterbrained Sorcerer Quest:Misja 3: Love's a Wicked Game@edit
To może się przydać.
Voltrux - 12-08-2009 16:50
Crout dzięki.